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How to Get Rid of Black Spots on Patio

Rid Of Maggots On Patio

Most of us love spending quality time in an outdoor patio spot during summer with the soothing wind blowing around us. However, summer comes with its disadvantages for the outside spaces too. You may see pest and bug infestation, and the worst is to see maggots making a feast in your patio spot.

Your taste may soon turn upside down seeing such maggots at a patio spot. Also, you may feel low and annoyed if these maggots decide to show their presence during a party. Thus, knowing how to get rid of maggots on patio spots is essential to maintain hygiene and the good condition of your outdoor patio spots.

But it is no easy process. Hence, we will show you the ways to get rid of maggots on the patio. On top of it, we will also show you ways to prevent maggots onthe patio and home.

So, you must get through the article if you want to maintain hygiene at your favorite patio spot.

Table of Contents

  • Reasons for Maggots Development on Patio
    • 1. Use of Boiling Water:
    • 2. Apply Diatomaceous
    • 3. Use salt or Lime and Vinegar
    • 4. Clean Up the Patio Area
    • 5. Use Insecticides
  • Different Ways to Prevent Maggots Infestation on Patio
  • Final Words
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Reasons for Maggots Development on Patio

Maggots are both unhygienic and utterly disgusting to look at at any spot. Hence, you may want to eliminate it as soon as you observe it in any spot, including the patio area. But first of all, you have to realize the cause of maggot infestation on the patio.

But even before it, let's see what maggot is!

Unfortunately, most people think of larvae as a completely different pest species. But that's far from the reality.

In reality, maggots refer to baby flies, moths, or beetles.

When a fly or beetle hatches its egg, it transforms into a larva. It will likely take 13 days to 35 days to completely turn into a complete moth or fly. The most likely cause of finding maggots on the patio spot is flies or moths giving birth to maggots on the patio area.

A female moth, beetle, or fly lay down its egg close to any food source. They do so to ensure maximum food safety for the larvae once the egg is hatched. Thus, any leftover food may be an enticing sign for flies to lay eggs and hatch maggots around the patio area. If there're trash bins or dead animals near the patio area, flies will be more likely to hatch eggs and produce maggots on the patio spot.

Also, a dirty patio will help maggots grow and live happily in the area. Furthermore, maggots will find good hiding if your patio has any carpets. Most underneath space of carpets remain untreated and dirty for days which further boots maggot infestation.


You should by now realize that to get rid of maggot; you have to keep your outdoor patio and camping canopy areas clean and free of any food leftovers. However, if you see maggots' infestation at patio spot, you have to follow different ways to eliminate them.

It is important, especially if you plan to set up a play yard gate on the patio for your kids since maggots are infamous for their unhygienic lifestyle. It may carry several diseases too.

1. Use of Boiling Water:

This is perhaps the best, most effective, and above all, the easiest way to remove and eliminate maggots forever. The use of boiling water is encouraged since it is free of any toxicity and doesn't require you to purchase anything additionally. So, it is also a money-saving deal for you.

Also, applying boiling water on maggots helps you boost eco-friendliness as it is free of pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful elements. Plus, it doesn't need any expertise either.

Firstly, inspect the patio area and find where the larvae have set up their residence. Also, you may need to remove patio furniture from the nearby spot since you will use water. Next, choose a pot or container in which you can carry the boiling water.

Boil the water for 7 to 10 minutes and pour it over the maggots directly with the carry pot. If the larvae are all over the patio area, you will need to spread the water over the whole space. But, it will be easier to pour boiling water if the maggots are quarantined.

You will see the maggots dying instantly. Sweep off the dead bodies with a vacuum cleaner and enjoy the patio spot.

However, be careful of the following facts while using boiled water to get rid of maggots-

1.You should never use boiling water on patio furniture. It will dampen the furniture and grow moisture to damage the expensive furniture.

2.Always pour the water gently. It is essential since any splashes of the boiled water on the skin may cause scalding or burns.

3. The idea works best for concrete or cement patio floors. If you have a wooden patio floor, this method won't suit you.

2. Apply Diatomaceous

Although applying diatomaceous may seem unfamiliar, it actually works against most bugs and pests. For those who don't know diatomaceous, here's a little briefing-

Diatomaceous is a type of earthly powder. It is found in sediments coming from algae and contains a high amount of silica. It has massive use in industries and is also an excellent natural and organic way to eliminate grubs.

Diatomaceous rock works the same way salt works to kill different kinds of pests, including maggots. When applied to the maggots, it will dehydrate the maggot to kill them slowly. Thus, it is much like slow poising the maggots to death.

Also, the effect and smell of diatomaceous earth will remain for several days. Thus, it will be hard to escape its grasp. On top of it, you can easily apply the sediment of these earthly salts around the patio spot to keep maggots and flies away in the near future.

Since it is an organic element, you won't have to worry about eco-friendliness either. You will get the diatomaceous rock in nearby stores. So, this is a quick way to remove maggots. Nonetheless, we suggest you wear gloves or use old scrap paper to spread diatomaceous soil on the patio spots.

3. Use salt or Lime and Vinegar

We have already told you that salts will dehydrate maggots when applied on them or the patio floor. So, it is another eco-friendly and organic way to get rid of maggots on the patio.  Furthermore, you may also use lime or vinegar to kill the maggots.

Yes, this method is slower than applying boiled water on maggots. But it comes with one big advantage as well. You can spread some salt or vinegar around your patio or outdoor gazebo areas to keep the maggots, flies, and other pests away from the spot for some time. So, it is a good way to prevent future maggots' infestations too.

Since the progress is slow, you need to have the patience to see the result. Also, check the progress once in a while to see whether or not you would need to add salt, lime, or vinegar.  The whole process may take a few hours, but it's worth the waiting since you might apply salt even on patio furniture. So, it will also help you get rid of maggots from patio furniture without damaging them.

4. Clean Up the Patio Area

This is a long-term beneficial method to get rid of maggots on the patio. The most common causes, as we described previously, are leftover foods, dead animals, and trash bins near your patio. Hence, you will have to inspect the whole patio area and see what is attracting the maggots.

We recommend a full clean-up of the patio area to eliminate the source and maggots at the same time. You may use a vacuum cleaner or sweeping device to remove the food leftovers and other food sources along with the larvae. It might take a few minutes to clean up the entire area, but it will be worth an investment.

5. Use Insecticides

If the patio spot has a massive maggot infestation, none of the above methods will work. At this point, you are left with one choice- applying insecticides on the patio. There are many good-quality and reliable insecticides from which you can shortly choose one.

However, the important thing is different-

You must follow the user instructions written on the insecticide packet to apply it properly. If you don't follow the instructions properly, it may lead to wastage, not killing the maggots. Also, overuse of it may hurt the environment.

If you kids ad pets at home, make sure they remain away from the patio spot until you clean up the insecticide. If the insecticide gets into the mouth or stomach of kids or pets, it will cause serious health concerns.

Also, you should use a facemask and gloves before spraying or spreading the insecticide. It will ensure your safety too.

Different Ways to Prevent Maggots Infestation on Patio

We all know that prevention of anything is better than curing it later. Hence, we will now disclose different ways to prevent maggots' infestation. Luckily, these methods aren't pretty hard to apply and bring to effect.

  • A dirty patio area is an enticing invitation for flies, moths, and beetles to give birth to maggots. So, try to keep the patio area as clean as possible. You may sweep the patio area with a vacuum sweeper once a week. It will prevent any moisture development from keeping the maggots away.
  • Maggots live mostly on leftover foods. So, after a BBQ party, always remove the campfire grill grates from the patio. Also, make sure there're no leftovers on and around the patio. If flies fail to find any food source, they won't give birth to maggots.
  • Maggots will thrive in moist areas mostly. So, keeping the patio area dry will prevent the maggots for sure. Thus, you may ensure proper ventilation to keep the area breezy and moist-free. While cleaning the patio spot, occasionally use bleach or sanitizer with water to sweep the entire area. It will keep most pests and bugs away from the spot, not to mention maggots.

These ways focus on keeping the patio spot clean. The idea is to discourage the flies, moths, or beetles from coming close to the patio and hatch maggots.

Final Words

There is hardly any pest as disgusting to look at as maggots are. Plus, these pests are depot of different diseases. Hence, maggots are the last thing you would want to see in your beautifully decorated patio area.

The detailed discussion on how to get rid of maggots on patio in this article will help you with the cause. The first four methods described in our list are eco-friendly and free of any toxicity. We only suggest the use of insecticide if you are left with no other choices. However, if you keep the patio area clean, you may not see any maggot infestation ever.

How to Get Rid of Black Spots on Patio
